Transform Your Yard With An

Custom Swimming Pool & Landscape Design

From Serenity Designs

Discover how we craft custom swimming pools and landscapes and bring them to life! Explore our design services and construction gallery, and learn what our design packages include below. Then, contact us to schedule your design consultation and get started.


or call us directly at 916-931-3116 today!

Swimming Pool Design

Custom Swimming Pool and Landscape Design

Starting at $1500

Unlike most of our competitors, we offer custom swimming pool and landscape design services to create a complete, inclusive oasis in your own backyard. It all begins with a consultation where we discuss your needs, design aesthetics, and budget to craft a perfect plan for your space.

Following this, we provide a detailed proposal to bring your vision to life with top-quality construction.

What’s Included in Our Package

We’re proud to offer great value in our design packages, making sure you can really picture what your swimming pool and landscape will look like. Here’s what you get with each custom swimming pool and landscape design:

  1. A Complete Custom Swimming Pool Design with Landscaping.
  2. Up to 3 Design Pages.
  3. A 3D Video Walk-through.
  4. Up to 10 3D Concept Photos.
  5. Materials Suggestions.
  6. Custom Plant List and Plant Presentation.
  7. Designs for Existing and New Hardscapes Areas.
  8. A Clear Definition of Your Property Lines.
Custom Swimming Pool and Landscape Design

As expert swimming pool designers, we will customize the design to perfectly complement your home.

The Serenity Design Process

  1. We Begin With a Phone or Online Interview.
  2. Then You’ll Share Your Project Inspiration with Your Designer.
  3. We’ll Stop by to Professionally Measure Your Yard.
  4. Then We’ll Create Your Design Profile, Initial Rendering, and Design Draft.
  5. We Offer Our Customers Two FREE Revision If Needed.
  6. We’ll Deliver Your Final Design Concept and a Complete Proposal to bring that Design to LIFE!



Interested in a customized swimming pool or landscape design but don’t know where to begin? Download our FREE Sample Plan to get a glimpse of what every Serenity Designs client receives with our landscaping design package and experience our seamless process.

Explore Our Portfolio

Discover the transformation of our custom swimming pool and landscape designs! While we take pride in crafting stunning backyards, we also excel in bringing them to life. Explore our complete portfolio to see our pool building expertise in action.

Swimming Pool Design
Modern Xeriscape
English Garden Mediterranean
Contemporary Mediterranean (12)
California Native (5)
Design Serenity
Freeform Pool
Custom Swimming Pool and Landscape Design

Serenity Designs is Here to Help!

Get Started on Your Dream Project Today

Book your design consultation and let's transform your backyard today!


or call us directly at 916-931-3116 today!